Are you ready to

Discover your Power,

Awaken your Magic &

Live with Joy?...



  • Basic DNA 6/7-9

    This course certifies you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. Connect with the Unconditional Love of Creator of All That Is. Find & change programs deeply held at Core, Genetic, Historical & Soul levels. Activate hidden DNA. Meet the 7 Planes. Learn why we create experiences & so much more.

  • Advanced 6/21-23

    Expand your understanding of the 7 Planes of Existence. Clear resentments, rejection, regrets, vows/commitments that hold you back. Heal using Advanced Techniques like ‘Baby in Womb’ & ‘Broken Soul.’ Receive hundreds of downloads & positive feelings that bring profound change, healing & enlightenment.

  • Dig Deeper 6/24-5

    Become confident in the Digging/Belief work at the heart of the TH technique. Learn the 8 shortcuts to finding the Bottom Beliefs (both conscious/hidden) and change them with ease & grace. Witness fast, profound & lasting change. Move beyond drama/trauma to complete lessons & learn virtues.

  • You & Creator 7/29-30

    Learn to discern Creator’s voice from ego or higher self. What is Truth vs fear? Understand how the subconscious undercurrent & your body solve problems 24/7. Teach & guide your subconscious to work for you. Clarify your communication w/ Creator’s Pure Love.

Hello beautiful soul!

There is a reason you are here.

In the most perfect place… Here & Now.

In all of our lives there are times when a teacher, a guide, a mentor is needed.

When a safe, sacred place to face our fear, heal our heart and awaken & expand into our soul’s beautiful brilliance is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves.

Whether you are looking for your “wings” for the first time, or they’ve become clipped or damaged by this earthly existence, or are simply having growing pains…

I can help. I have been there. I can help you fly.💜

Welcome to ‘Awakening The Magic’…

A place where you will find the unconditional loving support, inspired guidance, life-changing information & proven tools and techniques that you need in order to fully discover & reclaim your joyful, authentic, soulful self.

Maybe You…

  • Know deep within you are meant to (or want to) be a healer, talk to angels, connect with the other side, access the magic of this world & the mystical realms…but don’t know how to do that.

  • Maybe you already know you are opening to the magic within you and your gifts are real, are excited & curious but afraid they/you won’t ‘fit’ in this world, or…are not sure how to step onto the path.

  • Believe you are meant to make a difference in this world in a special way, or just want to experience Freedom, Joy & Magic in your everyday life!

  • And then there’s all that “Human Stuff”…

    You may have gotten off to a good start but it didn’t quite work…hitting blocks, fears, doubts, confusion about whether ‘all that’ is even real or possible.

Maybe, you’re not even sure what ‘all that’ means.

Frustrated, overwhelmed, you may have procrastinated, beaten yourself up, given up, feeling misunderstood, ‘stuck',’ lost, alone…accepting that ‘This is all there is.”

You know there’s something more…But what?

And how?…Is it even possible??

Absolutely Yes.

You are not alone anymore.

Divine Day

“I came to Janet seeking more joy in my life. I felt I was missing out on fully experiencing all the good things & possibilities. I wanted to be more conscious & alive… to explore my authentic purpose & move forward doing what I am meant to do! I learned how to change beliefs that are holding me back. I now believe in the “Magic” that surrounds us all. Janet helped me connect more deeply to the Universe & Creator…to my past, present & future potential.

The Divine Day Retreat opened me to how powerful I can be. I have choices!! I can change anything I want to change. I AM intuitive, sensitive & so blessed! I am now clear on my life’s purpose. The answers are not nearly as far away as we think. I feel hopeful & alive! The life I seek IS possible & in my reach. I don’t have to fight. I can open my heart & mind with intention & allow Truth to come THROUGH me.

I don’t have to ‘try’ - Just being is enough. - J. Gromen, Counselor

1:1 Coaching/Mentoring

“I’m so incredibly grateful our paths crossed. You came into my life at a time I was unhappy, unhealthy, anxiety, depression. You opened my eyes (and soul!) to a new way of thinking, doing & being. You gave me the resources & courage to live my life again in a healthy, happy, spiritual way. I tell everyone how much you taught me & how you helped me make it through that very difficult time. Thank you so much for believing in me, taking me under your wing, and allowing me to fly. I think of you every time I see a dragonfly or butterfly!” - Karla C.

“I cannot express how wonderful I feel today! I am overwhelmed with joy! I am light! I am free! I am smiling so big!!! I had no idea how deep & strong this belief was. It has blocked me from so much. I woke up today truly feeling like my shackles & chains have fallen off. Most importantly I feel so WORTHY!!! I clearly never knew what that felt like…I only thought I did. I now know for a FACT that I am worthy of making copious amounts of money, having a loving relationship & loving family circle, having success & being truly happy!!!! This single belief has restricted me so much for many, many lifetimes!

To have that weight lift now is the biggest relief I have ever felt. I had devoted my life to helping others yet never truly knew how to help myself & to believe I deserve that help. This has changed everything.

I am so excited to start enjoying life FOR ME!!! I am so grateful to have met you…you have helped me set myself free. The process was so simple but I couldn’t have done it without you.

So much LOVE & gratitude!!! - Jenal, Spirit Medium/Healer

“At first I was unaware what to expect- would this even work? Within a few minutes you opened my mind & unlocked incredible capabilities & beliefs. The work you do is mind-blowing…describing it to others I would use the words magical & amazing. Janet, you have the ability to open people’s minds & hearts to greatness. You have changed my life- what else is there to say. The words you gave me during one session now rest on my forearm closest to my heart…’I am willing - I am able - I am spirit. I forgive myself & remember who I am, I am that, I am.’ Until someone experiences the opportunity to work with you I believe they have not yet experienced what true happiness is. You are truly a blessing & I hope you can understand the difference you have made in my life!”

- Grant Raskin, Founding Partner, MGR Financial Management, LLC

What are you waiting for?? You deserve to Live a Life you Love!

Other Ways to Work with Me…

Whether you are:

  • A professional (or budding) healer, intuitive, coach or an open-hearted seeker…

  • Looking for self transformation, healing and happiness or to help change the world with your service to others…

  • Or just love playing and exploring Magical Realms & Miracle Possibilities…

    ATM Workshops & Certification Courses Are Fascinating, Fun & Life-Changing!

ThetaHealing® Courses

The ThetaHealing® meditation technique (created by Vianna Stibel in 1995 during her personal journey back to health) utilizes a spiritual philosophy & focused prayer to the Creator/All That Is. Co-Create deep change in Mind, Body & Spirit - clear limiting beliefs, heal at all levels (Core, Genetic, History & Soul) & live life with positive thoughts and emotions, embodying the highest Virtues in all that we do. Learn more about ThetaHealing® & discover more about its philosophy and the Planes of Existence ~ Visit

  • Basic DNA 6/7-9

    This course certifies you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. Connect with the Unconditional Love of Creator of All That Is. Find & change programs deeply held at Core, Genetic, Historical & Soul levels. Activate hidden DNA. Meet the 7 Planes. Learn why we create experiences & so much more.

  • Advanced 6/21-23

    Expand your understanding of the 7 Planes of Existence. Clear resentments, rejection, regrets, vows/commitments that hold you back. Heal using Advanced Techniques like ‘Baby in Womb’ & ‘Broken Soul.’ Receive hundreds of downloads & positive feelings that bring profound change, healing & enlightenment.

  • Dig Deeper 6/24-5

    Become confident in the Digging/Belief work at the heart of the TH technique. Learn the 8 shortcuts to finding the Bottom Beliefs (both conscious/hidden) and change them with ease & grace. Witness fast, profound & lasting change. Move beyond drama/trauma to complete lessons & learn virtues.

  • You & Creator 7/29-30

    Learn to discern Creator’s voice from ego or higher self. What is Truth vs fear? Understand how the subconscious undercurrent & your body solve problems 24/7. Teach & guide your subconscious to work for you. Clarify your communication w/ Creator’s Pure Love.

  • Manifesting and Abundance

    We create our own reality. Learn to manifest the highest & best the world has to offer! An amazing questionnaire reveals surprising, deeply hidden blocks. Release/change them and make all of life work for you. Understand Intention & Divine Timing, plus learn fun, easy tools/exercises to increase the flow of all abundance in your life.

  • Rhythym to a Perfect Weight

    Not just a weight loss seminar!! Find true rhythm for mind, body & spirit and tap into your own inner beauty & love for self. Discover and change beliefs that have kept you from experiencing inner peace, being comfortable with who you are & feeling true happiness & joy within. (Vianna’s weight loss secrets included!)

  • World Relations

    Unlock the mysteries of the past to open new possibilities for the future! This course focuses on revealing specific cultures, religions & beliefs to release hidden hatred, prejudices & resentments that go back centuries, allowing students to clear known & unknown conflicts, creating space to embrace & accept others with love. So very needed in this day & age.

  • Intuitive Child in Me

    Go on an adventure! Connect with Creator of All That is while touching the Rainbow Child in you! Explore a wide range of TH techniques - Belief work, readings, healing body/soul, guided meditation, communicating w/ angels & plants, crystals, power animals, drumming, telekinesis, auras, healing animals & more (16 exercises). No prerequisites.

Theta Magic Practice & Play Groups

A wonderful way to deepen your connection to Creator of All That Is, develop your ThetaHealing® skills, supercharge your own transformation & be a part of a community of heart centered beings like yourself.💜

Groups will be held each month, from 7-9pm Eastern via zoom (replays available)

Gatherings will inspire & support graduates (*prerequisite is BasicDNA) with new information, exercises, downloads, discussion, Q/A, sharing experiences & practicing belief work & downloads. It’s a great way to sharpen your skills, stay connected & brighten your life! 🥰

Investment: $20 per group or $99 for 6 groups (7/9, 8/6, 9/3, 10/5, 11/5, 12/3)

(*non-refundable- group will be recorded)

Make it stand out.

And Last but Not Least…Hands-On and Distance Spiritual, Multidimensional Quantum Healing

“Imagine a peaceful place where you can completely align with Source. A safe place where you can let go of all of your burdens, worries, fears & limitations. A sacred place where you can heal anything that no longer serves you. A loving place that reminds you of your wholeness, co mpleteness & perfection, exactly as you are. A magical place where miracles can & do happen. A place of Light & Joy that celebrates your uniqueness & supports you in feeling great.

This is the space you enter during a divinely guided healing session with Janet.” 💜

What if I told you that you could...

✔ Let go of fears & doubts and literally transform your life & being…Easily.

✔ Access Divine Guidance, recreate your future & fulfill your dreams…Easily.

✔ Talk to angels, fairies, ascended masters, the “other side” & more…Easily.

✔ Become a vessel for Healing, Magic & Miracles (for self & others)…Easily.

It’s All True.

Additional Workshops, Seminars & Classes:

  • Angelic GRACE Practitioner Certification

  • Magical Mediumship Certification

  • Conscious Creating!

  • Caring for The Empath

  • Opening Your Intuitive Channels

  • Faerie Magic

  • Unseen Friends & Mystic Realms

  • You ARE Enough

  • and More…

“Awakening The Magic” Readings:

1. Magical/Mystical Realms

Angels, Faeries, Ascended Masters…All of the sparkly Light Beings in your Unseen Team (along with Divine Guidance of course!) would love to be of help to you...

Connect with one or all & let the Magic begin!

2. Mediumship

We are so much more than just physical beings…it is my great honor & joy to be the ‘telephone line” between you and you’re loved ones on the Other Side (both human & animal). Experience the Truth that we are never truly gone.

3. Scientific Hand Analysis

Your unique, beautiful Soul Map is right there in your hands! Discover your Life School, Life Lesson/Blind Spot, Life Purpose & Gifts in this lifetime. Understand patterns that have held you back from all that you are meant to be & step onto your Master Path!


“Thank you for interpreting my palm lines & fingerprints so beautifully. I am deeply grateful for your time yesterday. That reading was stellar!! Oh my goddess, I'm feeling excited and more open about my life particularly what I plan to do, write!

The reading was deeply insightful and answered the questions I had about my health and career and was so useful guiding me on my path of continued healing. You took the time to explain what it all means answering questions along the way.

I left the session feeling seen, heard and ready to make necessary shifts knowing it would be in my highest and best good. I highly recommend a session as it adds skills in our spiritual tool belt to promote a better understanding of how to live our best life!

— Esther Vera, Certified Multidisciplinary Energy Healer, NJ


“Last night I attended a seminar @ Gift of Life and was changed by you. I lost my aunt in February 2008 and miss her beyond all comprehension. I think I feel her with me but thought I was crazy. Until now!!!! Thank you more than words can say.”

— S.H., Gift of Life/Hearts of Gold Donor Family Member


“So amazing & FUN to actually know that guidance is around the corner and fairies are real! My reading helped me realize I am able to accept today and create the present and future I always wished for. And…my margarita glass is always more than half full!!! Magic really is real! Thank you Janet!!!

— Jill McGinley-Brett

Excited? Curious? …but still have questions?

  • Discover Your Unique Magical Design.

  • Become A Conscious Creator.

  • Go Deeply Within...Live Your Dreams.

  • Explore Mystic Realms.

  • Wishes Do Come True...Find Your Joy!

  • Step Into Limitless Possibilities.....

  • You Are More Than Enough.

Your Life Before Awakening The Magic:

  • ‘Missing’ something - confused, frustrated, seeking…

  • Limited, held back, insecure, ‘less than’…

  • Focused on scarcity & lack, unclear about the future…

  • Struggling w/ fear & doubt…

Your Life After Awakening The Magic:

  • Joyful, Knowing Your Path & Excitedly Creating Your Dreams!

  • Confident, Powerful, Magical & Finally, Wondrously Free!

  • Everything is Possible - Accessing & Trusting Divine Guidance!

  • Living from a Place of ABSOLUTE LOVE, Grace & Ease!

It is Time!

Time to step into the space of All Possibility & True Magic.

It’s all around you. In fact, You ARE the Magic.

…What are you waiting for??!